Thursday 2 December 2010

Top 10 Drawing Video Inspirations Here At Wayne Tully Fantasy Art

I decided to go through the top 10 video posts that I've posted here on this fantasy art blog so far as determined by traffic and this has been a good exercise really, to see what else I could draw and create videos for and it's inspired me to think about creating extremely useful videos and improve my video creation process too.

But before that happens here is the top 10 drawing video blog posts that have been moderately popular recently.....

1. How to draw Captain Hook - Drawing video of Captain Hook, this video has proved popular, so check it out for pirate drawing inspiration.
2. How to draw a predators face - This drawing video just took off and I am secretly proud of this video as I captured the essence of a Predator here.
3. How to draw an Alien Head - Alien the creatures that have battled the Predators in the comics and the films, thought I'd do a complimentary video to equal the Predator one.
4. Drawing a horror skull - A video that also proved popular with my YouTube subscribers and readers here. The drawing video marked my first ever time lapse video, so check it out!
5. Crayola Coloring Drawing Demonstration - A look at the Crayola Twistables with a drawing being colored by these fantastic colored pencils.
6. Drawing With Lightboxes - An overview of drawing with a lightbox, with a Halloween pumpkin and a drawing of a witches head.
7. Gargoyle Drawings and Sketches - 3 drawing videos which show the beginnings of 3 separate Gargoyles which might be good for inspirational purposes!
8. Drawing a Horror Monster Face - Drawing video of a maggot faced monster....
9. Drawing a pirate skull - Pirate skull quick drawing video.
10. Drawing fantasy world ideas - Fantasy world ideas brought to life, just have fun with drawing your own fantasy worlds.

Imagination is the key to creating your own fantasy art.

Monday 29 November 2010

Demon Tattoo Art Iphone Case

Can't you tell that Zazzle has just introduced these iphone cases and I am impressed with the design size available for your art to be printed on as I've managed to nearly fit the whole thing on some of the designs I've uploaded.

This demon art tattoo was one I drew years ago and was simply a shaded drawing with thin ink lines, but I did the Gimp thing again and added to it which made it into a new design almost, so I'm pleased with the way it turned out and I'm on the learning journey with the Gimp art software as there are many other things I can do with this free artists software and I intend to find out.

Drawing a piece of demonic tattoo art was quite fun I'll try to do some more of this quite soon....

Demon Tattoo Art speckcase
Demon Tattoo Art by waynetully
View more iphone designs

Horror Skull Art Keychain In Stock

This bloody horror skull has been in my computer files for months before I ever attempted to color it as I wasn't sure what I'd do with it, but I bit the bullet over the weekend and started to try and color it and really all it needed was a grey color to the skull and a few cartoon filters to darken the ink lines and the obvious matter of filling in the blood with a nice crimson deep red. I used Gimp to color this skull.

Serpent Skull Art Iphone Case Now Available

I did a few new designs over at my Zazzle store which I actually had fun creating and this Serpent Skull art just was absolute fun to draw and color using my software program of choice, Gimp!

The lens flare effect helps to set the whole design off and you can buy this on an iphone case or all the other range of products, even the more popular cheap stickers, buttons and magnets too.

Over the next month or so I would really like to walk through the process of creating a piece of art like I do at Zazzle and show you the screen capture of maybe a drawing I will color, because that might actually be quite cool....Still learning a bit about using Gimp, but you learn something new every day and it's fun to come up with somehing cool and some amazing effects on my drawings as it really does make them look slightly more professional.

Take a look below at the Iphone case with the serpent skull design on it.....