Monday 4 January 2016

Planned Year Of Artwork Creations 2016

Thought I would make a plan of action of all of the artistic things I want to accomplish this year and there are many creative things I want to explore this time round.

This is my plan from the previous post here - Start your year as you would any day

When making this plan I have tried to make it realistic and achievable, not into a bucket list type post, but more a plan of action that is actionable.

1. Attempt some creative horror sculptures
2. Draw more horror movie illustrations to sell
3. Create a coloring book for adults to sell on amazon (more on this one soon!)
4. Create a physical sketchbook of all of my drawings in a book to sell on amazon
5. Attempt to half the 88 draft posts I have on this blog (They've been hanging there for some time now!)
6. Improve my painting techniques as I have not done much painting lately.
7. Finish setting up my static website which has been on my to do list for months.
8. Create a video course for my YouTube channel.
9. Draw some more friendlier cartoon stuff for kids.
10. Do some crafty arty stuff away from drawing, could be fun.

I'll leave my list open ended so that I can add to it and cross stuff off each year. I'll more than likely create a blog post for each creative thing on this list plan, So I'll link them to each other as and when I complete them.

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